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What Causes Yellow Teeth?

Yellow teeth can cause you to lose confidence in your smile, but there are some simple lifestyle changes that can help to improve the colour of your teeth.


Smokers often complain of the yellowing colour of their teeth and long term smokers even notice that their teeth begin to turn brown. This is caused by the tar and nicotine in cigarettes that quickly stain your teeth. By giving up smoking you will not get any more cigarette related staining. Not only this but you will reduce your risk of gum disease and oral cancers.

Poor Oral Hygiene

It is vital to maintain a good oral hygiene routine. By brushing and flossing, you are helping to remove the build-up of plaque. Plaque can quickly turn into tartar which is yellow in colour and, therefore, leads to your teeth looking more discoloured.

Getting Older

The hard, white coating of your teeth, called enamel, eventually begins to wear away as you age. This, unfortunately, exposes the yellow material underneath called dentine.

Your Diet

Certain foods and drinks can stain your teeth. Foods that have a strong, dark colour, such as curry and coffee contain chemical compounds called chromogens which make your teeth much more likely to stain. Read this article to learn more about which foods can stain your teeth and how some can whiten your teeth.


Sometimes, you can inherit tooth colour from your parents.

Dead Tooth

Due to decay or an accident, teeth can die. The blood flow to your tooth will be cut off, resulting in discolouration.

If you want to improve your smile, contact our team on 01723 670500 to discuss the whitening options that we have available.

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